The Poker puzzle was very frequent in the Hungarian Logic magazine when I started to solve puzzles, I think this is the reason why I like card puzzles.
In the championship there were some card puzzles as there were some on the last Croatian championship, too. 8 years ago those were really nice puzzles. So I thought the Black Jack puzzle would be smooth and nice, unfortunately it wasn't, and it was too big for me to create a practise puzzle. But there were another new card puzzle in the 11th round.
I have already created some card puzzles, so I had an Idea how I should start, but it was harder than I thought. So I was looking for a pack of cards. Fortunately every competitor, guest and organizer got one in the last year in Eger :)
Here is the puzzle. It is pretty hard, but I think the solving method is similar to the puzzles of the WPC.
Rules: Place 20 cards - T (10), J, Q, K, A in all four suits -
in the grid using the information around the grid, which indicate which
cards and suits must be neighbouring in the corresponding row/column. A
pair of information about cards and suits given on the same side of a
row/column doesn't necessarily indicate the same two cards in the grid.
pdf version with solution