Sunday, 18 November 2012

nr. 995 - WPC2012 Part 5 - Black and White, Paint-by-Frame

Here is one more practise puzzle from the WPC. It was one of the hardest puzzles for 20 points. So this was a useful practise puzzle. Moreover this genre deserved a 2nd practise puzzle, too. :-)

Indeed, the puzzle on the championship was large and hard. But I solved it. And I chose this genre in the playoff against Thomas. According to his report I had some luck, and I won that puzzle. So I like this genre :-)

Rules: Paint some cells black. Numbers on the outside indicate the amount of cells that are framed by the other colour in that row or column. Framed cells do not need to be consecutive.

(Example from Para's Puzzle Site, sorry for the different form.)

Friday, 9 November 2012

nr.996 - Domino Figure

Originally I created this puzzle for the Hungarian Puzzle Championship. But finally I didn't use it. I had no intention of making a hard puzzle which nobody would solve. So I added some basic steps during the creation. Now I changed a little this puzzle, I eliminated some clues and added some new. 
I don't think it is possible to solve without trial & error, but I used this tecnique two times during the testing and botf of them were pretty trivial. Nevertheless this is a hard puzzle, not for me who know really well this grid-form but for many puzzlers.  I think this, because one of the test solvers couldn't solve the original version.

Rules: The grid was built up of the given set of dominoes. Unfortunately the numbers have been erased. Numbers around the figure reveal what numbers are there on the domino halves in the given row or column. Find out the original arrangement.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

nr. 997 - WPC2011 Part 13 - Innovative, Magic Snail

This round contained 13 puzzle genre, most of them were completely new, but not all.This one appeared before the WPC2009 on the Oguz Atay Puzzle Contest 2 and 8.
The first file contain 4 puzzles, and all of them has inside and outside clues. As I know Serkan he likes create elegant puzzles, so this was a bit unusual from me. There were 2 more puzzles the other round, but just the last one has no inside clues. Nevertheless I like this genre. So I wanted to create some puzzles, but I didn't want to make 2 same puzzles.
One of the puzzles was normal, just outside clues. But the other two were more innovative.
The first one have just inside clues, and 4 given number were enough. And there were no number in the alst one. However I marked some empty squares. 
Now I created a very similar puzzle to show those who can't see the WPC puzzles.
A third of the participants solved this puzzle on the WPC, and I hope they enjoyed it, and the new solvers will enjoy this puzzle, too :)
I added more clues than necessary, now the puzzle is solvable without any guess.

Rules: Fill the grid with digit from 1 to 4, so that each digit appears exactly once in every row, column and
every 3x3 spiral. Digits should be placed orderly in the spirals, from the entrance to the center. The numbers
outside the grid indicate the frist seen number from that direction.
Some numbers inside the grid or empty squares ("-") are given.

More puzzles from this genre: